Click on each of the tabs to view tables of each of the entity’s components.


Viewing Floors in the Architectural Elements Workspace

These tables have additional functions which allow the ability to create, copy, and export.

Additional Commands



Select All

Use CTRL+A to select all entities.


Use CTRL+C to copy and CTRL+C to cut.


Use CTRL+V to paste.


Filter items by using the sorting button.


Use the export button to export your model into .csv, .xml, or .json. It is also possible to export content by copying and pasting into Excel.

Architectural Package

Architectural Packages are used to model the load or power density of a group of architectural elements.

For example, a group of Floors could each have their Space Type designated as Office, which has a specific power density. This group of Floors can be packaged as a load, and fed from distribution Equipment.

Select a group of Floors or Rooms. Then, in the orange text box, enter a name for the Package and then click the (+) button. This is packaging a group of Floors as a load.


Creating an Architectural Package for a group of Floors

To view the Package, click the Architectural Package tab. These loads can be attached to any distribution Equipment in the network.


Viewing the Load of Architectural Packages

Load Allocation

Load Allocations are used to supplement the Architectural Packages. In addition to Floor or Room power densities, power can be allocated to specific Floors.

You may want to account for a load that only occurs on Floors of a specific Space Type. For example, if you wanted to account for a 20 hp motor on every Office Floor, you would need to create a new Load Allocation. Filter the Load Allocation by the Floor Space Type specified for Office.


Creating a Load Allocation

Then use the (+) button to associate the Load Allocation with an Architectural Package.


Allocating additional loads to an Apartment Package


Diversification allows you to create customizable diversity factors which can be applied to different sections or levels of the distribution system.

A Root Diversity is a factor applied to Root Level loads. A Root Diversity cannot be less than zero and cannot be greater than the Distribution Diversity.

A Distribution Diversity is a factor applied to Distribution Level loads.

An End-of-Line Diversity is a factor applied to End-of-Line Loads.


Creating a Custom Diversification Class

In the example below, a Custom Diversity class called DIV A is created and applied to a small distribution network.

EOL (End-of-Line) , DIST. (Distribution), and ROOT loads have diversity factors of 1.0, 0.5, and 0.25, respectively, applied to them.

At the Diversity Position DIST., or DB-1, a factor of 0.5 is applied to loads L1 and L2, and summed together. Therefore, the Net Load of DB-1 is 10 kVA.

At DB-2, the same diversities are applied to loads L3 and L4, and the Net Load is also 10 kVA.

At the Diversity Position ROOT, or MDB, a factor of 0.25 is applied to all of its loads, L1, L2, L3, and L4, and summed together.

If any downstream Equipment of MDB has a Load Override value, that value would be diversified instead of the connected load.


Electrical Distribution Network utilizing a Custom Diversification Class

Modeling Residential Loads


Appliances are used to calculate the load of residential projects and are grouped by classes as defined by the NEC. Appliances are assigned to a Unit Type.

Unit Type

Unit Types are used to group Appliances together in order to calculate the load of residential projects. A Unit Type is assigned to an Apartment.


Assigning Appliances to a Unit Type


An Apartment contains a Unit Type. It also contains information regarding its location and loading information. A group of Apartments form an Apartment Package.

Apartment Package

Apartment Packages are used to group Apartments together in order to calculate a load.


Assigning Apartments to an Apartment Package

Mechanical Entities

Coming soon.